HJT unlock the future at the drop of a hat! The second roundtable meeting of the China High-Efficiency Heterojunction Club was successfully concluded
Release Time: 2024-04-22


China's high-efficiency heterojunction club has aroused widespread heated discussion in the industry since its establishment. It has rushed to be the first in the n-type iteration road and has played a strong voice in the era of heterojunction! In order to further improve the club's rules and regulations and promote exchanges and build a cooperative and innovative ecosystem, the China Efficient Heterojunction Club held its second roundtable meeting on April 21st!


Risen Energy presided over this meeting as the rotating chairman. Huasun Energy, Leascend Photovoltaic, GrandSunergy, GoldenSolar, Winhitech, MingYang Photovoltaic, Photopotential Energy, Quanwei New Energy, Akcome Technology (ranked in no particular order) Representatives of club members gathered in Ninghai, Zhejiang, to conduct powerful dialogues on topics such as "industry trends", "supply chain issues" and "effective strategies to reduce costs and increase efficiency" to promote win-win development.


Unite, build, innovate and win-win

Join hands to travel through the new cycle of break a cocoon into butterflies

At the beginning of 2024, "new productivity" has been on the screen, which reflects that  country's industrial development has advanced to a new stage. The core is the change led by technological innovation, which will break the traditional industrial structure and reshape the infinite possibilities of the future. Heterojunction technology is a future technology with the potential to reshape the industry landscape. The industry is currently in a critical period of n-type iteration. The original intention of the club was to showcase the latest and most cutting-edge development results of n-type heterojunction technology. All members are united to "Newness" improves "quality", and through full cooperation, we jointly build an innovation ecosystem and jointly ignite the core engine of "technology-driven" to help the industry complete advanced upgrades in the new cycle.

Wu Xuegang, President of Risen Energy, presided over the roundtable and made an opening speech. He said: "We are now at a juncture of fierce competition. Technology and market changes are far faster than imagined. Pressure from inside and outside the industry continues to increase. The times The changes are difficult to predict. But what can survive this round of baptism and successfully leave is the real gold. This is also the meaning of the club's existence - to unite the heterogeneous camp at this critical node. The starting point for an action is not only limited to the club itself, but also hopes to affect the entire photovoltaic industry.


Cost reduction and efficiency improvement seminars and upgrades

Accelerate the breakthrough of heterojunction cost constraints

The second roundtable meeting centered on the focus theme of "cost reduction and efficiency improvement". Member representatives shared in-depth discussions on supply chain issues faced in actual operations, cost reduction strategies, efficiency improvement methods, etc. Yang Bochuan, President of Risen Energy Research Institute, was the first to speak: "As Mr. Wu said in his speech, the current industry competition is fierce, and the high cost problem of heterojunction products needs to be solved urgently. Risen Energy has the advantage of integration and can coordinate the upstream and downstream industry chains. There are many benefits during the construction process, and the cost reduction benefits in many aspects are significant. It is currently helping our heterojunction Fuxi modules to be put into large-scale mass production, and has certain cost advantages. We believe that collaborative construction is the solution to costs. The key to the problem is that we invite industry chain partners to participate in the discussion today.”4.jpg

Zhang Zhongwei, President of the Photovoltaic Segment of Guosheng Technology: "From the terminal perspective, customers expect cost-effective and efficient photovoltaic products. Heterojunction can fully meet the end customers' demand for "high efficiency", but the relatively high cost has become an unfavorable factor affecting the final decision of some customers. Conducive to the large-scale promotion of heterojunction products. Fortunately, heterojunction products have a clear cost reduction path. We can optimize Dimension, Busbar, silver-coated copper, and reduce silver paste. In order to gain a strong boost from the scale effect for cost reduction, club members can work together and share resources to accelerate large-scale cost reduction and improve the cost competition of heterojunction products. "

Wang Xin, Chairman of Leascend PV: "The establishment of the China High Efficiency Heterojunction Club not only symbolizes resource sharing and complementary advantages, but also represents a spirit of mutual help and win-win. Facing the efficiency challenges in the industry, 'High Efficiency ' is the advantage of heterojunction. Through the platform of the club, we can jointly establish efficiency publicity standards objectively and fairly, and continue to increase publicity, thereby effectively increasing the market's awareness and acceptance of heterojunction technology .At the same time, in terms of cost reduction and efficiency improvement, it is expected that with the unity and cooperation of the club, the advantages of heterojunction technology can be fully integrated and committed to promoting cost reduction and efficiency improvement of heterojunction in terms of technological innovation and supply chain collaboration; in the sales market, it is necessary to achieve new breakthroughs in expanding market share and push the entire photovoltaic industry to a higher level.”

Xu Xin, Senior Vice President of Huasun: "Huasun has done a lot of work in improving efficiency and reducing costs of HJT, including steel mesh, silver-coated copper, 0BB, etc. to improve efficiency and reduce costs of HJT. Huasun is willing to share the latest progress and results with all members of the club to jointly accelerate the efficiency and cost reduction of the heterojunction industry. "

Tang Xuan, executive vice president of Leascend PV : "In the current era of cost reduction, our top priority is to pass on the benefits to users and attract more market participants by lowering the installation threshold, thereby expanding market share. Club members united Joint investment will make this process faster and more effective. Such cooperation will not only help improve the competitiveness of the entire industry, but will also bring more high-quality and efficient energy solutions to users.”

Liu Chang, founder of Solarzoom: "Empirical evidence of power generation can solve the problem of customers' judgment standards on the quality of technology. Use actual power generation data to prove HJT, and help terminals better understand the product in the process of reducing costs and increasing efficiency. "

Zhang Xiong, executive deputy general manager of Raymysolar: "The market price war is becoming more and more fierce, and the advantages of heterojunction's high power generation have been buried by public opinion. Empirical data should be released on a large scale to make the market aware of the high power generation of heterojunction. At the same time, we will gather the clubs to jointly reduce costs and work together to reduce costs in multiple links to gradually increase market share.”

Zhang Jinjian, Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer of AKCOME : “The advantage of the alliance is that we advance together and retreat together. Therefore, we can formulate a unified price line that can maintain the development of the enterprise and have a competitive advantage in the market, and expand the proportion of installed capacity. , improve terminal recognition and then gradually make cost-effective products to increase corporate profit margins.”

Chu Yifan, Chairman of OW SOLAR: “Concentrate on the role of the alliance to promote cost reduction and increase efficiency,  support everyone’s ideas and plans for unified publicity, unified price lines, and collaborative cost reduction. Monthly meetings among alliance members can also ensure that these tasks are advanced in an orderly manner. We are very confident about the future of HJT technology.”

Zhao Xuewen, Chairman of Photovoltaic New Energy: "Industrial competition is not only fierce, but also trapped in a whirlpool of homogeneity. Heterostructures are harmonious but different, and low-carbon, high-efficiency are the core advantages. If the propaganda caliber can be unified and lowered in the mainstream such as 0BB Working together in this technical direction, I believe we can create a differentiated path to advancement.

Ni Zhichun, general manager of WINHITECH: "We all know that heterojunction has leading comprehensive advantages, such as high efficiency, low temperature coefficient, low degradation, long-term stability, etc. We have actually realized these advantages in research and development as an enterprise. This is why we are so firmly committed to this track. We hope that with the help of the alliance, more customers can experience the advantages of heterojunction technology.”

At the end of the roundtable, the club members reached a consensus on the trend of cost reduction and efficiency improvement, and enriched their in-depth and multi-faceted understanding of specific issues, which will greatly facilitate subsequent more effective cost reduction and efficiency enhancement actions and fully highlight the high-efficiency advantages of heterojunction technology.

Partners “offer ideas and suggestions”

Excellent solutions to reduce costs and increase efficiency

In order to implement the "cost reduction and efficiency improvement" action, representatives of various industry chains who were invited to participate in the roundtable "on-site proposals" shared their respective experiences and practices in technology research and development, production cost control, etc., and discussed how to further There were in-depth exchanges on improving the performance and cost-effectiveness of heterojunction photovoltaic products, and the discussion covered the four major links of equipment, targets, screens, and films. Everyone agreed that by strengthening technological innovation, optimizing production processes, and improving material utilization, the production costs of heterojunction photovoltaic products can be effectively reduced while improving their power generation efficiency. In addition, strengthening cooperation and exchanges between enterprises, jointly developing new technologies, and promoting new products are also important ways to achieve heterojunction cost reduction and efficiency improvement. At the meeting site, members of each club conducted more in-depth thinking and comments on the "on-site proposals", and awarded awards to the most representative and feasible proposals.


The meeting also held in-depth discussions on the future development of the club. Everyone unanimously agreed to further strengthen the organizational construction of the club, improve the working mechanism, improve service levels, and provide more comprehensive and professional support to member companies. At the same time, the club will also actively expand its cooperation network to attract more outstanding photovoltaic companies to join and jointly promote the development of the industry.


Towards the end of the meeting, member representatives expressed that this meeting not only deepened mutual understanding and trust, but also laid a solid foundation for future cooperation. The successful convening of the second roundtable meeting of the China High Efficiency Heterojunction Club not only injected new impetus into the future development of the photovoltaic industry, but also established a broader platform for cooperation and exchanges between enterprises. I believe that with everyone’s joint efforts, China’s photovoltaic industry will continue to make new breakthroughs and achievements.

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