Colorful and entering the deep blue | WINHITECH was invited to participate in the Offshore Wind and Solar Development Forum
Release Time: 2024-05-26

On May 25, the "Offshore Wind and Solar Power Development, Construction, Operation and Maintenance Innovation Technology Development Forum" jointly organized by  Electric Power Technology of the China and the Marine Energy Professional Committee of the China Energy Research Society was held in Qingdao. The theme of the conference was "Wind and Solar Synergy, Entering the Deep Sea",  24 leaders and experts including industry authorities, professors and scholars, and corporate elites were invited to gather together to conduct in-depth discussions and exchanges on difficult issues such as the latest support policies for offshore wind and solar power stations and the commercial development model of offshore photovoltaic projects.

Marine new energy is of great significance to the development of a maritime power. It can alleviate energy shortages, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and help achieve dual carbon goals. Since the 14th Five-Year Plan, the country has successively issued national land space planning and new power-related planning, and made strategic arrangements for the development of offshore wind power, photovoltaics and other new energy. Chen Hui, technical research and development director of Zhejiang WINHITECH New Energy Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as: WINHITECH), was invited to attend and exchanged his views on the topic of "Opportunities and Challenges in the Development of Offshore Photovoltaic Module Products".


The development of offshore photovoltaics is inseparable from policy drive and technological innovation. Under the strong guidance of national policies, my country's coastal provinces have formulated offshore wind and photovoltaic development plans to promote orderly development from near to far, and the large-scale development of wind power and photovoltaic industries has become an industry trend.


However, the industry development also faces many challenges, especially the development of offshore photovoltaic module products. There are "four high" problems that need to be solved urgently - high salt fog, high humidity and heat, high ultraviolet light, and high load. Offshore photovoltaic modules are in the "four high" environment for a long time, which can easily induce the PID effect (potential induced decay) of photovoltaic modules. When the PID phenomenon is serious, it will cause the power of a module to decay by more than 50%, thereby affecting the power output of the entire string.


After continuous innovation and practice, WINHITECH has found that heterojunction modules have obvious advantages in offshore applications. The HJT dual-glass module structure has the structural advantage of anti-PID and anti-snail pattern: because the surface of the HJT cell is a conductive oxide, there is no charge accumulation, and no PID ; the dual-glass module has natural resistance to hidden cracks and will not produce snail patterns during use. The advantages of ultra-thin silicon wafers brought by low-temperature technology, combined with double-sided dual-glass symmetrical packaging, have better deformation recovery ability and anti-fatigue performance under wave impact and sea breeze, and can easily cope with high-load problems. It can be seen that HJT technology can better adapt to the "four highs" environment of the ocean and output higher power under harsh conditions.

WINHITECH, Leading the way with HJT expertise.In the future,  will continue to promote the rapid reduction of offshore photovoltaic costs and the continuous improvement of power generation efficiency through technological innovation, and make unremitting efforts for the high-quality development of the industry.

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