Successfully connected to the grid! WINHITECH helps Ruijin Hospital embrace green electricity
Release Time: 2024-09-03

WINHITECH is committed to promoting the development of green energy and has made remarkable achievements in the rooftop distributed photovoltaic power generation project of Ruijin Hospital Zhoushan Branch. The project is located in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province. By using the hospital's own rooftop to install a photovoltaic system, it adopts a contract energy management development model. The project has an installed capacity of 1.24MW and uses Vessel series 66-type TOPCon high-efficiency dual-glass modules, each with the power up to 700W. It is expected that the annual power generation will exceed 1,180,000 kWh, and the cumulative carbon emissions will be reduced by about 26,000 tons in 25 years. 


During the production of modules, WINHITECH strictly controls the process, focusing on: people-machine-material-method-environment-measurement; strictly implements the standards, and adheres to the concept that the next process is the customer. During the project construction, WINHITECH provided professional technical services throughout the process, and closely cooperated with the supervision and guidance of relevant departments to help build a high-standard, high-efficiency, high-quality project, and achieved a successful grid connection in one go.

WINHITECH's Vessel series TOPCon high-efficiency dual-glass modules also demonstrated their excellent quality in the project. More than 1,700 modules were delivered perfectly without any return or exchange. After the project was successfully connected to the grid, it continued to generate electricity stably, and the actual power generation met the design requirements, making this project a demonstration project that has won the trust of the government, social praise and the satisfaction of the owner.


In the future, WINHITECH will continue to uphold the mission of "leading a new energy ecology and creating a green new life", assisting enterprises in energy reform and constantly exploring green, low-carbon and sustainable development models. We will contribute more to the green transformation of the industry and the development of new quality productivity, and continue to promote the application and development of green energy.

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