Dr. Ni Zhichun, General Manager of Winhitech, attended the 2023 PV Supply Chain Supporting Development Forum: Enterprises should focus on technological innovation and advanced industrial layout
Release Time: 2023-12-14

On December 14, the "2023 China Photovoltaic Industry Annual Conference" was successfully held in Suqian, Jiangsu Province, where representatives of photovoltaic industry organizations, industry experts, and photovoltaic enterprise representatives from across the country gathered to discuss the development direction and growth prospects of China's photovoltaic industry in 2024 under the new situation. Ni Zhichun, general manager of Zhejiang Winhitech New Energy, was invited to participate in the PV supply chain supporting Development Forum as a dialogue guest to participate in the "PV supply chain Pilot Entrepreneur Dialogue".

Under the macro trend of the global "double carbon" goal, more and more enterprises have begun to pay attention to the green transformation and sustainable development for the future, fully reduce the cost of electricity and carbon emissions through the iteration of new technologies, and achieve energy transformation through the development and utilization of new photovoltaic technology and energy storage technology. In the context of generally optimistic market development expectations, photovoltaic industry enterprises need to achieve a balance between long-term interests and short-term interests.

Dr. Ni Zhichun, general manager of Winhitech New Energy, pointed out: "The head enterprises continue to strengthen the iteration of technological innovation in the full" recycling ", while small and medium-sized enterprises face the challenge of survival and management. The current market is in the stage of technology iteration and capacity upgrading, and technological innovation is the task that manufacturers must complete."

In addition to vertical integration, many enterprises in the industry have also done a diversified layout of light hydrogen storage. Winhitech is positioned as an enterprise focusing on leading the global heterojunction industrialization, and is carrying out a global layout to improve production capacity, and realize the survival and development of the company by selling heterojunction cells and various modules. Unswervingly through technology iteration and upgrading to enhance the competitiveness of Winhitech. However, for some new cross-border small and medium-sized enterprises entering the industry, investing in new production capacity may bring some risks and problems.

At present, the short-term profits of enterprises due to overcapacity in the industry have declined, thus affecting the R&D investment of enterprises. Major damage to the photovoltaic industry, how to make enterprises maintain the global leading position of China's photovoltaic industry? Dr. Ni Zhichun said that Winhitech can achieve technology iteration as a heterojunction technology industrialization enterprise and do the following points.

1. Advanced production capacity and brand building will bring more market opportunities. The mass production technology of heterojunction has become mature, and the market share is expected to further increase. While occupying a place of its own brand, Winhitech is also reducing and improving product reliability.

2. Heterojunction upstream and downstream ecological chains need to cooperate to achieve overall cost reduction and efficiency increase of the industrial chain.

3. New HBC technology combined with BC cell technology is developed to achieve higher product conversion rates.

4. The new electricity price model will lead to the change of the installation method of HJT products with high double-sided rate at group price, thereby reducing the comprehensive cost of the power station and maximizing the investment benefits.

Looking ahead to the development of the industry, customers choose us not only to consider the diversity of technology, but also to consider the same investment to obtain a higher rate of return or lower KWH cost. Our goal of technological innovation is to achieve lower LCOE and higher reliability, and to achieve better solutions based on customer value. Winhitech is also constantly trying to break through to reach the best technical path, and promote heterojunction technology photovoltaic power generation to become the best green power energy for the entire industry.


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