He Zhongwei, Secretary of Zhoushan Municipal Party Committee, visited the company's project site for investigation!
Release Time: 2023-01-03

On January 3, 2023, the first day of work in the New Year, He Zhongwei, secretary of the Zhoushan Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the New District Party Working Committee, led a team to Winhitech's 3GW high efficiency heterojunction (HJT) photovoltaic cell module project to conduct an in-depth "big visit to the city". Research, great service, great problem solving” activity. Chen Lin,member of the Party group of Zhoushan City Government, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the High-tech Zone, director of the Management Committee , the relevant person in charge of the high-tech zone management committee of the municipal government accompanied the inspection. Ding Hu, Deputy General manager of China Resources Power Zhejiang Company, Chairman of Zhejiang Winhitech New Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") , General manager Ni Zhichun is responsible for receiving Secretary He and his party.

Ding Hu, chairman of the company, reported to Secretary He the construction progress and production plan of 3GW high-efficiency heterojunction (HJT) photovoltaic cell and module project standard workshop. Chairman Ding said that with the concern and support of the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government and the Management Committee, the construction progress of the company's infrastructure projects has been steadily promoted, and the production equipment has been entered into commissioning. At present, the project focuses on overcoming various difficulties in infrastructure facilities, production line equipment, and epidemic diseases, and all work is still promoted according to the established goals to ensure the smooth operation of the company's project.

Subsequently, Dr. Ni Zhichun, general manager of the company, reported to Secretary He the specific situation of the current construction of the company's project and led Secretary He to visit and introduce the commissioning of factory facilities and equipment. At present, the overall progress of the infrastructure project is about 90%, and the equipment has begun to enter the market in succession on December 30. The module plant is expected to enter full production in the first quarter of 2023.

After listening to the report, Secretary He stressed that the Municipal Party Committee and the Management committee of the high-tech zone should earnestly implement the spirit of the third plenary session of the eighth session of the Municipal Party Committee, further promote the "project storming year" activities, use the heart to vigorously serve the enterprise, accelerate the whole process of the whole chain to promote the project planning, attracting, landing, construction, and production, and inject strong impetus into high-quality development with the actual performance of the project storming. Secretary He affirmed the results achieved since the full start of the company in July this year, and hoped that the company would firm its confidence in development, accelerate the pace of construction, strictly control the progress of each node, and strive to put into operation as soon as possible, and build the company into a benchmark enterprise in Zhoushan advanced manufacturing industry.

Secretary He wished the company to vigorously pursue construction and steady development in the New Year, and make greater contributions to the social and economic development of Zhoushan.

Previous: Chen Jinbiao, deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of Zhejiang Provincial People's Congress, visited the company's project site Next: Zhejiang Winhitech New Energy Co., Ltd. 3GW high-efficiency heterojunction modules of the first batch of equipment successfully entered!